Study Materials  for Nursery  to VIII
 Nursery     LKG       UKG       Class 1      Class 2       Class 3       Class 4      Class 5      Class 6      Class 7      Class 8  



    Sub- Hindi


                पाठ-5         गोलू का घर

1) मौखिक प्र०/उ०

   () एक छोटा-सा घोंघा

   () बगीचे में।             () सबसे न्यारी

  लिखित प्र०/उ०

() अंकिता और यश बगीचे में खेल रहे थे।

() गोलू एक पत्ती के नीचे छिप गया।

() क्योंकि गोलू माली की बड़ी-बड़ी मूँछें देखकर डर गया था।

() जब गोलू झरने के पास पहुंचा तो उसे अपने जैसे कई मित्र मिल गए तब गोलू बहुत खुश हुआ। उसे वहाँ से अब कहीं नहीं जाना पड़ेगा, यही उसकी न्यारी जगह थी।

2)    () क्योंकि वह दिखाई नहीं देगा तो सुरक्षित रहेगा।

    () क्योंकि उसका बगीचा सूख गया था।

                     भाषा की बात

1. ()  लगी,  लगीं

     () दिए,  दिया

2.   फूल।               बगीचा

      न्यारी।             आवाज़

3. समानार्थक शब्द

      () मित्र- दोस्त।             () न्यारी- अनोखी

      () क्रोध- गुस्सा।            () बगीचा-उपवन

      () खुश- प्रसन्न।    

4. प्रणाम।      राष्ट्र।        धैर्य।      प्राण

    वर्षा।         मेट्रो।       गर्व।       भ्रम

    क्रोध।        धर्म।       ट्रक।       प्रेम



 पाठ -3        कबूतर और मधुमक्खियां

1) मौखिक प्र०/उ०

() रानी मक्खी।         () शिकारी ने

() चिंकू चूहे ने।          () चिंकू चूहा

2) लिखित प्र०/उ०

() रानी मक्खी तेज़ हवा के कारण पानी में गिर गई।

() कबूतर ने रानी मक्खी को डूबने से बचने के लिए पत्ता तोड़ा।

() रानी मक्खी कबूतर द्वारा फेंके गए पत्ते पर चढ़ गई। फिर कबूतर ने अपनी चोंच में वह पत्ता दबाया और सरोवर से बाहर रख दिया।

() जंगल में एक पेड़ के पास दाने बिखरे देखकर कबूतर जैसे ही खाने आए वैसे ही वे सभी शिकारी द्वारा बिछाए जाल में फँस गए।

() जब रानी मक्खी ने कबूतरों को जाल में फँसा देखा तब शिकारी को भगाने के लिए वह दूसरी मधुमक्खियों को बुला लाई।

3) सही उत्तर पर () लगाइए।

     () पानी में।           () पत्ता

4) समानार्थक शब्द

     () तालाब-सरोवर।      ()वृक्ष-पेड़

     () वन-जंगल।             () दोस्त-मित्र

5) वाक्य बनाइए

()डाल-शिकारी ने ज़मीन पर कुछ दाने डाल दिए।

             कबूतर पेड़ की डाल पर बैठा था।

()पर-रानी मक्खी झट से पत्ते पर चढ़ गई।

           मोर के पर सुंदर होते हैं।

()जग-रीता पानी का जग भरकर लाई।

            इस जग को ईश्वर ने बनाया है।

()फल- शिकारी को उसके किए का फल मिल गया।

              पिताजी बहुत सारे फल लाए।


Class 2 -English Language

Essay - My hobby

Different people have different hobbies. Hobbies keep us busy and happy. My hobby is gardening. Whenever I have spare time, I go to my small garden. I see the little plants grow and water them daily.

I sow seeds in the vacant space and water them. I take care of them. I have also grown many flowers. They give me great joy. I work with a spade and hoe every morning and evening in my small garden. I root out the unwanted plants.

Many fruit trees are planted in my garden. I grow some vegetables also in my garden. I feel very happy to see the fruits, plants and flowers in my garden. My hobby gives me a lot of exercise as well.

                                                                     CLASS 2    EVS

                                                                  Lesson 1: Me and my body

Question / Answers

1.     What are internal organs or internal body parts?

Organs which are present inside the body and cannot be seen from outside are called internal organs.

2.     Name any five external body parts.

Heart, stomach, brain, liver, lungs, kidney etc are internal organs.

3.     What are external organs or external body parts?

Body parts which can be seen from outside are called external body parts or external organs.

4.     Name any five external body parts.

Eyes, hands, legs, fingers, ears, elbows etc are external body parts.

5.     How many sense organs do we have? Name them.

We have five sense organs. Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin are the sense organs.

6.     What is hobby? Give examples.

Any activity performed in our free time is called hobby. Reading, drawing, dancing, listening music, gardening etc are common hobbies.

7.     What do you understand by posture?

Posture is the position in which we keep our body while sitting, standing or moving.

8.     Write any five ways to take care of your sense organs.

a.     Never put any sharp object into the eyes, nose or ears.

b.     Do not listen to loud music

c.      Do not eat very hot, cold or spicy food.

d.     Do not watch TV for a long time.

e.     Wash eyes with cold water.

9.     Write any five ways to take care of our body parts.

a.     Brush teeth twice a day.

b.     Take bath daily.

c.      Maintain a correct posture.

d.     Exercise regularly.

e.     Eat healthy food and drink plenty of water.

10.Write the functions of the following body parts.

a.     Elbows : Elbows help us to lift things by bending themselves.

b.     Wrists: Wrists help the hands to do any kind of work.

c.      Fingers: Fingers help us to hold things, write, paint and play.

d.     Knees: knees help us to sit, dance, and walk.

e.     Feet : Feet help us to stand.

Fill in the blanks

1.     We can hold objects with our .............(hands)

2.     We .................with our tongue. ( taste)

3.     We ...................with our nose. (smell)

4.     We feel with our .............(skin)

5.     Correct posture keeps our body ............(healthy)

6.     When we grow, the body changes its ............and...........(size, shape)

Lesson 2: My family

Question / Answers

1.     What is an extended family?

Some family members like grandfather, grandmother, uncles and aunts do not stay in the same house. Such family members form the extended family.

2.     List any two ways in which the members of a family help each other.

1.     Grandparents can play with their grandchildren, tell stories to them and take them to the park.

2.     Children can help their parents by doing house hold works and watering plants.

3.     How can we care for elderly people in our home?

We can help the elderly people by giving them medicines and food in time. We can read newspaper to them. We should find time to talk with them everyday.

4.     What is recreation?

The things that we do in our free time is called recreation. This makes us feel active and fresh again.

5.     Who are differently challenged people?

People who are not able to see, hear, speak or walk are called differently challenged people.

6.     Why do we need to recreate ourselves?

After getting tired of our work, we need to recreate ourselves to make us active and fresh again.    

7.     What are outdoor games? give examples.

Games which we play in the open area are called outdoor games. Cricket, football, basketball, hockey etc are outdoor games.

8.     What are indoor games?

Games which we play in the covered area are called indoor games. Chess, ludo, carrom, snake and ladder etc are indoor games.

9.     How can we take care of the pets?

Pets must be kept in clean shelter.

They should be provided healthy food and clean water.

They must be examined by a veterinary doctor regularly.

10.What is joint family?

A family in which grandparents, parents, children, uncles, aunts and their children live together is known as a joint family.

11.What is nuclear family?

A family in which only father, mother and their children live together is known as nuclear family.

Fill in the blanks

1.     A nuclear family has many family members. – false

2.     Children cannot help their grandparents.       - false

3.     We should help the differently challenged people. – true

4.     Veterinary doctor takes care of human beings.        - false

5.     Cricket is an indoor game.                                               - false



ENGLISH, Lesson 5: Telling lies! Is that you?


1.     Who was Tom?

Tom was a naughty boy.

2.     What did Tom’s friends call him?

Tom’s friends called him liar.

3.     What happened to Tom when he lied?

When Tom lied, he became short.

4.     When did the guardian angel appear again?

The guardian angel appeared again when she saw Tom’s mother crying.

5.     Did Tom grow back to his original height?

Yes, Tom grew back to his original height.



1.  Choose the correct answer.

a. naughty b. late c. lied d. liar, dwarf e. blessed

2. Write  the correct sentences.

 a.  Whenever Tom told a lie, he grew shorter.

 b.  As he grew very short, his friends made fun of him.

 c.  Tom knelt before the angel and promised that he would never lie again.

 d.  The angel made him grow back to his original height by saying, ‘Tall! Tall! Tall!’

 e.  Tom was finally liked by all.

 3.  Answer the following.

 a. What sort of  a boy was Tom Taylor?

Tom Taylor was a naughty boy.

b. Did he obey his parents and teachers?

He did not obey his parents and teachers.

c.  Why did the guardian angel punish Tom?

The guardian angel punished Tom because he always told lies.

d.  What were the names given to Tom by his friends?

The names given to Tom by his friends were  ‘liar’ and ‘dwarf’.

e.  What did Tom do to make everyone happy?

Tom started telling the truth to make everyone happy.

f. Why do you think it is wrong to tell a lie?

Telling lie is a bad practice and it will create a bad image to us. So it is wrong to tell lie.

Vocabulary and Pronunciation

 1. Write the correct sentence.

 a. Shalu won the race.

b. Take a right turn to reach my school.

c. Charlie kicked the blue ball instead of white.

 d. We can hear the bee buzzing around the garden.

 e. We can see the ocean from our house.

2. Write the correct homophone for each.

 a. bear, bare b. deer, dear c. eight, ate d. bee, be   e. hair, hare



Lesson 3: A jolly ride

In - text questions’ answers

1.     Why do butterflies like flowers?

Butterflies like flowers because flowers have nectar in them.

2.     Why does the butterfly love its wings?

The butterfly loves its wings because he can fly with it.

3.     Was the ant excited or sad sitting on the butterfly’s back?

The ant was excited when sitting on the butterfly’s back.

4.     How did the ant feel when he was sitting on the butterfly’s back?

The ant felt he was sitting on a giant wheel.


 1.  Choose the correct answer.

 a. butterfly  b. ant  c. flowers  d. farm

 2. Correct sentences

 a. In a beautiful garden lived a big butterfly.

 b. The ant had a broken leg and could not move around.

 c. The butterfly flew high up in the air along with the ant.

 d. Molly’s farm had cows, horses, red hens, and sheep.

 e. Butterflies are insects that drink nectar from flowers.

 3.  Complete the answers.

 a. How did the butterfly move in the garden?

The butterfly moved in the garden by flapping his wings up and down.

 b. Why was the ant very sad?

 The ant was very sad because he had broken his leg and was not able to move around like the butterfly.

 c. Where did the butterfly take the ant first?

The butterfly took the ant high up in the air over roses, tulips, and sunflowers.

 d.  Name the animals they saw in  Molly’s garden.

In Molly’s garden they saw cows, horses, red hens, and sheep.

 e. Did the butterfly make the ant happy?

Yes. The butterfly made the ant very happy.

 f. Was the butterfly a good friend to the ant? Give reasons for your answer.

 The butterfly was a good friend to the ant as it made the ant happy when it was sad and wounded.

Vocabulary and pronunciation

Write the two words that make the given compound words.

1.     Football : foot  +  ball

2.     Raincoat : rain + coat

3.     Grandmother: grand + mother

4.     Sunflower: sun + flower

5.     Dragonfly: dragon + fly

6.     Housefly: house + fly

7.     Jellyfish : jelly + fish

8.     Doorbell : door + bell

9.     Keychain : key + chain

10.Bookshelf: book + shelf





Study Materials for Nursery  to VIII

Nursery     LKG       UKG       Class 1      Class 2       Class 3       Class 4      Class 5      Class 6      Class 7      Class 8     
Registration to the Nursery class for the Academic session 2020-21 opened.



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