Study Materials  for Nursery  to VIII
 Nursery     LKG       UKG       Class 1      Class 2       Class 3       Class 4      Class 5      Class 6      Class 7      Class 8  


My idea of happy life

Happiness is a state of mind which can only be inculcated in a mind and developed but not acquired through material possessions. Many people confuse happiness with pleasure which is wrong. A man may be billionaire but still unhappy whereas a pauper may be far happier.

   There was a time when people didn’t have much money or luxuries or beautiful and comfortable hours. But they spent their tension – free life in the lap of nature, enjoying God given bounties like fresh air, cool breeze, pure lakes and river water, sunshine and warm sun rays which now have not much significance for the modern tension ridden man.

I don’t believe that a man who has a big bank balance, a vast property and land, a huge pack of shares, a fleet of cars and an army of servants is certainly happy. It is not bad to make efforts to develop one’s business but to spread it so much that it gets on your nerves is bad.    

A money minded man is often mean and cruel and such man can never be happy. Real happiness can be obtained by being merciful, kind, sympathetic and helpful to other and by leading a busy but contented, truthful and honest life. One must always give full attention to one’s character and purity of mind.

If we show due respect to the elderly and love and affection to the youngsters, the meek and the miserable, we get great inner satisfaction which is the real source of happiness. We should love all the creatures of the world and should make small sacrifices for others and must work for the benefit of mankind to get true happiness. 


                                                Chapter 2: The human body

I.                    New words

II.                 Match

1.      D        2. A     3. E     4. B     5. C

III.               Write one word

1.     Backbone      2. Abdomen             3. Digestion 4. Skull                       5. Skeleton

IV.              Fill in the blanks

1.     Heart 2.  Lungs       3. Nerves      4. Skin                        5. Oxygen

V.                 True or false

1.     True   2. False                      3.  True          4. False                      5. True

VI.              Write short answers

1.     An organ is a part of the body that has a special job to do.

2.     Skin is the sense organ that helps us feel pain, touch and warmth.

3.     Muscles and bones help us move in different ways like run, walk, play etc. The muscles pull the bones to make them move.

4.     The stomach, liver , small intestine and large intestine help the body to digest food.

5.     The kidneys lie on either side of the backbone, behind the liver.

6.     What is the function of nerves?

The nerves carry messages from the brain to the rest of the body and back.

7.     What are the jobs of bones?

Bones help us move in different ways like run, walk, play etc. They give shape to the body. They protect the internal organs also.

8.     What is the function of heart?

The heart pumps blood to every part of the body. It pumps blood into tubes called blood vessels.

9.     What is digestion?

The process by which food is broken down into a form that the body can use is called digestion.

10.What are the jobs of skin?

The skin is a sense organ which helps us sense or feel pain, touch, warmth etc. It protects us from germs, cold and heat. There is a lot of fat under the skin which keeps us warm.

11.What is abdomen? Which are the organs in the abdomen?

The part of the body just below the chest is called abdomen. The main organs in the abdomen are the liver, stomach, large intestine, small intestine and kidneys.

VII.            Answer in detail.

1.     Where does the brain lie? What are its jobs?

The brain lies inside the bones of the head called skull. The skull protects the brain and eyes from injury. The brain has many jobs. It controls and directs all the other organs of the body. It helps us think, feel, learn and remember.

2.     Explain the process of digestion.

The food we eat passes from the mouth through a long pipe called the food pipe. Then it passes through the stomach and then through the intestines. While it passes through these organs slowly, it gets churned and turns into a liquid. The liver adds juice to the food to break it down.

3.     What are kidneys? What are its functions?

The kidneys are two bean shaped organs on either side of the backbone, behind the liver. The main job of the kidneys is to filter out waste from the blood. The waste collected by the kidneys passes out of the body as urine. 

4.     Draw the organs of the abdomen and label it. (page 19 - 1st diagram)



Chapter 1: Numbers

Chapter 2: Addition and subtraction

Chapter 6: Measurement of length

Chapter 12: Patterns

Revision of multiplication and division

Tables 1 – 16

Class 3 Hindi


 जंगल में फेसबुक

 (1) छोटे प्र०/उ०: pg:40

 () एक खरगोश 

() एक गिलहरी।

() टेलीफ़ोन के खराब होने से।

() जंगल के राजा शेर ने।

 (2) बडे प्र०/उ०:  pg:41

 (1) जंगल में जब भी कोई  समस्या आती तो खरगोश अपनी बुद् धिमानी से उस समस्या को हल करने की कोशिश करता।इसलिए सभी पशु-पक्षी खरगोश का सम्मान करते थे।

 (2)गिलहरी ने खरगोश को रोने का कारण बताते हुए कहा कि उसकी माँ दूर शहर में अकेली रहती है।जंगल का टेलीफ़ोन खराब होने की वजह से उसे अपनी माँ की कोई खबर नहीं मिल रही है।

 (3) खरगोश ने टेलीफ़ोन खराब होने के कारण रही समस्याओं को हल करने का उपाय बताने के लिए सभी पशु- पक्षियों को बरगद के पेड़ के पास बुलाया।

 (4) खरगोश को जंगल में इंटरनेट लगवाने का उपाय सूझा।

 (5) खरगोश ने बताया कि इंटरनेट का प्रयोग कर हम अपने दोस्तों, रिश्तेदारों के साथ जब चाहे बात कर सकते हैं, हर तरह की सूचनाओं का भी आदान- प्रदान कर सकते हैं।इंटरनेट के द् वारा -मेल की चिट् ठी कहीं से भी भेज सकते हैं।

 (4) विलोम शब्द लिखिए: pg:43

 (1) दुख- सुख।


(3) सम्मान-अपमान।

(4) बुद् धिमान-मूर्ख।

(5) दूर-पास।


(7) उन् नति-  अवनति।



 जंगल में फेसबुक

 (1) छोटे प्र०/उ०: pg:40

 () एक खरगोश 

() एक गिलहरी।

() टेलीफ़ोन के खराब होने से।

() जंगल के राजा शेर ने।

 (2) बडे प्र०/उ०:  pg:41

 (1) जंगल में जब भी कोई  समस्या आती तो खरगोश अपनी बुद् धिमानी से उस समस्या को हल करने की कोशिश करता।इसलिए सभी पशु-पक्षी खरगोश का सम्मान करते थे।

 (2)गिलहरी ने खरगोश को रोने का कारण बताते हुए कहा कि उसकी माँ दूर शहर में अकेली रहती है।जंगल का टेलीफ़ोन खराब होने की वजह से उसे अपनी माँ की कोई खबर नहीं मिल रही है।

 (3) खरगोश ने टेलीफ़ोन खराब होने के कारण रही समस्याओं को हल करने का उपाय बताने के लिए सभी पशु- पक्षियों को बरगद के पेड़ के पास बुलाया।

 (4) खरगोश को जंगल में इंटरनेट लगवाने का उपाय सूझा।

 (5) खरगोश ने बताया कि इंटरनेट का प्रयोग कर हम अपने दोस्तों, रिश्तेदारों के साथ जब चाहे बात कर सकते हैं, हर तरह की सूचनाओं का भी आदान- प्रदान कर सकते हैं।इंटरनेट के द् वारा -मेल की चिट् ठी कहीं से भी भेज सकते हैं।

 (4) विलोम शब्द लिखिए: pg:43

 (1) दुख- सुख।


(3) सम्मान-अपमान।

(4) बुद् धिमान-मूर्ख।

(5) दूर-पास।


(7) उन् नति-  अवनति।




                                    Chapter 1: The earth – Our planet

I.        New words

II.     Choose the correct answer

1.     Planet                        2. Moon        3.Oxygen      4.   3 /4

III.   Fill in the blanks

1.     Water            2. Land                      3. Spain , 1519                    4. Earth

IV.  Answer the following questions.

1.     The solar system consists of the sun, the moon, the eight planets, stars and other heavenly bodies.

2.     The sun, Moon, stars, planets and all the other objects that we see in the sky are called heavenly bodies.

3.     Many years ago, the people in the western world believed that the Earth is flat and it has edges.     So they were afraid of sailing far out into the sea because they thought that if they reached the edge, they would fall down.

4.     Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese sailor. In 1951, he and his team started sailing from Spain in west direction. They kept sailing in the same direction. After three years, they reached the same place in Spain from where they had started. This proved that the Earth is not flat but round. 

5.     The Earth is not exactly round. It is shaped like an orange. It bulges from the sides and is a little flat at the top and the bottom.

6.     What is horizon?

The place where the land and the sky seem to meet is called horizon.

7.     What is coast?

The place where sea and land meet is called coast.

8.     What is atmosphere?

The thin layer of air that surrounds the Earth is called atmosphere. It contains many gases.

9.     Why do you think the Earth is the only planet where life exists?

Life exists only on Earth because it has water, atmosphere and land that are essential to support life.

                                                Lesson 2: Studying Our Earth

I.                    New words

II.                 Choose the right  answer

1.     Very big         2. Wall map 3. Land                      4. Australia

III.               True or false

1.     False 2. True                       3. False                      4. True

IV.              Short answer questions

1.     A map that shows the drawing of the whole earth is called a world map.

2.     A book that contains many maps is called an atlas.

3.     The four main directions are North, South, East and West.

4.     The four sub directions are  North – East( NE), North – West (NW), South –East( SE), South – West ( SW).

5.     Why the Earth is called blue planet?

The Earth is covered with many seas and oceans. So it looks blue when it is seen from space. Hence it is known as blue planet.  

V.                 Answer the following questions.

1.     Globe is a model of the Earth. It is round in shape. The different colours on the globe indicate the landforms and water bodies present on the Earth.

The disadvantages of the globe are:

·        We can see only half part of the globe at a time. To see the other half, we need to rotate it.

·        All places on the Earth cannot be shown on a globe.

·        It is difficult to carry it from one place to another.

2.     A map is a drawing of the Earth or any part of it on a flat surface. We can see all the places of the Earth on a map at one time. It is easy to carry from one place to another.  We can roll or fold  or hung it and carry it anywhere we like.

3.     Oceans are very big and deep water bodies. There are five main oceans on the Earth. They are the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Southern ocean and the Arctic Ocean.

4.     Continents are very big land masses. A continent contains many countries. There are seven continents on the Earth. They are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Australia and Antarctica.

5.      A compass is an instrument used to find directions. A compass looks like a watch. It contains a small needle that always points at North. The needle is normally made up of steel.   




Lesson 1: The living and the non –living

New Words definition- page 12

Fill in the blanks

1.     Sunlight         2. Energy      3. Sides          4.roots                      5. Many gases


1.     C      2. D      3. B      4. E     5. A

True or false

1.     True          2. True               3. False                      4. True                5. True

Write short answers.

1.     Plants use the gas carbon dioxide to make food.  

2.     All living beings need to take in air to get energy from food.

3.     All birds and insects lay eggs . Animals like lion , tiger, cow, elephant etc give birth to babies.

4.     Earthworms take in and give out air through their skin. 

5.     All living beings breathe, get rid of waste, need food, move, respond, grow and reproduce whereas non-living things do not do these.

6.     Do plants respond?

Yes,  plants respond to heat, moisture, touch and other things.

Write answer in detail.

1.     How do plants reproduce? Give examples.

Many plants produce seeds from which new plants grow. Some examples are mango, rice, mustard etc.  Some plants like rose, money plant, hibiscus etc grow from portions of the stem. Plants like kalanchoe and bryophyllum  grow from the leaf.  

2.     What do you understand about the movement of plants?

Plants cannot move from place to place, but parts of plants move. The movements of plants are slow compared to those of animals. A plant moves mostly in response to things around it.  

3.     How do fish breathe?

Fish breathe oxygen mixed in water. They take in water through their mouth and push it out through their gills.   The gills soak up oxygen from the water as it passes over them.  

4.     How do plants get food?

Plants make their own food using carbon dioxide, water and sunlight. They get carbon dioxide from the air through the tiny holes on the leaves, water from the soil with the help of roots and energy from the sunlight. This process is called photosynthesis.

5.     Describe an experiment to show that plants always grow towards sunlight.

Place a potted plant near the window through which sunlight enters . Keep the soil moist. Watch the plant for a few days. We can see that the stem bends towards the window. Hence it is clear that the stem of a plant always grows towards sunlight.

6.     Write a note on the plant wastes which are useful to us.

The tea leaves and coffee beans which we use every day are plant wastes. Rubber is made from latex which is a liquid plant waste. The oils we get from plants are also plant waste.

               CLASS III     PUNJABI



Lesson 4: Colours of the  wilderness 


1.     Why was the God unhappy?

The God was unhappy because he made the animals all black and white but it was not nice to see. He wanted to see them colourful and bright.

2.     What did Loto, the ladybird wish for?

Loto , the ladybird wished for red paint with some black dots on her body.

3.     What colour did Fuzzy, the frog get?

Fuzzy, the frog got green colour.

4.     How was the cock called after being coloured?

After being coloured, the cock was called multi-coloured cock.


1. Complete the following sentences with the words from the passage.

 a.  (1) angels    (2) colourful, bright, angels, animals, favourite     b. (1) the animals (2) God, add, animal

2. What did these animals say after they got their favourite colours?

 a.  Pinto, the parrot, said that it was happy that no enemy or hunter could spot it now as it now matched the green leaves.

 b.  Tom, the tiger, said that it could now hide among the tall brown grass and escape his enemies.

c.  Fuzzy, the frog, said that no big fish could now find it in the swampy land and no crocodile can spot it in the river bank.

3.  Answer the following questions.

a. How were the animals when God first made them? Did he like them?

When God first made them, the animals were all in black and white colours. No, he did not like them.

b. What were the names of the three angels?

The names of his three angels were Arial, Duma, and Sophia.

c. What do you understand by the word ‘wild’?

The word ‘wild’ means free and natural environment like forest.

d. What did Tom, the tiger think the forest will become if the animals get colourful coats?

Tom, the tiger thought that the forest will become a colourful world if the animals got colourful coats.

e.  Why was Cockee, the cock late?

Cockee the cock was late because it slept and got up very late.

f. How did the angel colour the cock with the help of his animal friends?

The angels coloured the cock by using a little paint from all other animals.

g. What did you learn from the story?

We learned from the story that we should be on time to get the things that we want in our life. If we are late or not ready, we may miss those things.

Vocabulary and Pronunciation

 2. Given below are sets of words. Put them in the alphabetical order. Then write the correct group name.

 a.  apple, banana, grapes, orange—fruits

 b.  ape, bear, cat, deer, elephant—animals

c.  Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai—cities

 d.  Eiffel Tower, Red Fort, Statue of Liberty, Taj Mahal—monuments

 e.  Bindu, Pinky, Ritu, Sohail, Tom—naming words


ENGLISH, Lesson 3: Ponting likes counting


1.     What did Ponting see in the farmyard?

Ponting saw a mother dog with seven puppies in the farmyard.


 1.  Choose the correct answer.

 a. (2)  b. (2)  c. (2)

 2. Fill in the blanks.

 a. two, feet  b. three, tree  c. four, near d. five, pond  e. eight  f. dots  g. dots h. dots 3.  Answer the following questions.

a. Who likes counting?

  Ponting, the duckling, likes counting.

 b. Name the two insects mentioned in the story?

The two insects mentioned in the story are butterfly and grasshopper.

c. Who was going on a stroll with her babies?

The mother ladybird was going on a stroll with her babies.

d. Why did Ponting feel that  something was wrong when he found that two dots were missing?

When Ponting saw the mother ladybird and her babies in the morning, he counted ten dots on the five little babies. But when they returned back home, Ponting could count only eight small dots. So he felt that something was wrong.

e. Who thanked Ponting and why?

The mother ladybird thanked Ponting for helping her find her missing baby.

f. Where did the mother ladybird find her missing baby?

The mother ladybird found her missing baby inside a thick bush.

g. What did the mother ladybird tell her children?

Mother ladybird told her children that counting was very useful.

Vocabulary and Pronunciation

 1. Complete the table with the singular or the plural forms of the noun from the text.

 a. dog  b. duckling  c. bird  d. tree

e. bush  f. story  g. puppies h. dragonfly  i. butterflies  j. baby k. feet  l. children  m. goldfish



Lesson 1: The very big parcel

In – text questions’ answers

1.     Why do you think the couple was disappointed?

The couple was disappointed because they had expected to find something precious in the parcel.

2.     What did the couple do with the gold coins they found in the first apple?

            They spent one coin and kept the rest.

3.     Pick the word that best describes the couple.

The word ‘greedy’ best describes the couple.

EXERCISES Comprehension

 1. Complete the following sentences with words from the text.

 a. Once upon a time, there lived a   man and his wife. 

 b. They had good friends and neighbours with whom they shared everything.  

 c. They found a small seed in the big parcel.

d. The man sowed the seed and watered it. Soon a shoot appeared.

e. There were gold coins in each apple.

f.  They thought the other fruits may be full of worms.

g. When the couple found that every apple had gold coins, they were less careful with their money.  

h.  The man was busy enjoying his life with his money that he forgot to water the tree.

i. They also forgot about the good neighbours who had always supported them in times of trouble.  

j. Then one day , the man looked out into the garden and saw that the tree had withered. Next day, the couple looked out of the window to find that the tree had disappeared.

2. Answer the following questions.

a. How many seeds were there in the big parcel?

There was one seed in the big parcel.

b. What did the man do with the seed?

 The man sowed the seed and watered it.

c. What happened to the seed?

The seed grew into a shoot which grew up to be a big apple tree.

d. What did they find in the apple fruit?

They found gold coins in the apple fruit.

e. What did the man do when he looked out into the garden and saw the withered tree?

When the man saw the withered tree, he rushed outside and threw buckets of water over the tree.

f. What did the couple’s friends and neighbours do?

The couple’s friends and neighbours helped them out and gave them all that they wanted to be happy.

Vocabulary and pronunciation

Fill in the blanks

a.     Sowed           b. couple    c. overjoyed   d. frantically             e. disappeared

f. miserable        g. realized    



Study Materials for Nursery  to VIII

Nursery     LKG       UKG       Class 1      Class 2       Class 3       Class 4      Class 5      Class 6      Class 7      Class 8    
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