Study Materials  for Nursery  to VIII
 Nursery     LKG       UKG       Class 1      Class 2       Class 3       Class 4      Class 5      Class 6      Class 7      Class 8  




Newspaper reading

Newspaper reading is a healthy habit which keeps us in constant touch with the day- to-day developments, events and changes in the world at a very little cost. Newspaper is the most powerful means of media. Newspaper is a true reflection of all the political , social, economic and cultural spheres of our society.

Newspaper  plays an important role in a democracy. It acts as a mirror that reflects the views and opinions of the public and the government. It helps in framing one’s own views about the existing leaders. Their policies and activities help the voter to judge and carefully cast their vote during the elections.

People do not read newspapers just for political events.  There are informative columns on everyday entertainments like TV, radio, cable network presentations  etc. There are exclusive pages of information for sports , economics and business. There are a number of classified advertisements for jobs, property dealings, kennels and livestock, goods and services etc which help people a lot.

As we read the newspaper page by page we realise that not all news is good news. There are columns on those who have died and there are criminal reports which tell us to be alert. Many leading newspapers have a grievance section meant for those who have failed in getting justice. By reading them we come to know of the probable problems one can face in our life.

Newspapers keep us aware of the world around us. It is necessary to inculcate the habit of newspaper reading if one wishes to be in perfect pace with the changing times.    


Class-4   Subject-Hindi

                     पाठ-5        प्रेरक प्रसंग

1) मौखिक प्र०/उ० (pg-39)

() क्योंकि सभी देशवासी तिलक को बहुत प्यार करते थे।

() कक्षा में खड़े रहने का दंड।

() स्वतंत्र भारत के प्रथम राष्ट्रपति।

() 'स्वराज मेरा जन्मसिद्ध अधिकार है और मैं इसे लेकर रहूँगा।'

       लिखित प्र०/उ०

() तिलक ने अपनी निष्ठा, लगन,दृढ़ निश्चय,परिश्रम और साहस के बल पर देशवासियों को आज़ादी का पाठ पढ़ाया।

() क्योंकि वह पेन उन्हें किसी ने उपहारस्वरूप दिया था।

() डॉ० राजेंद्र प्रसाद अत्यंत सरल हृदय तथा विनम्र स्वभाव के थे। उनके विचार, व्यवहार तथा वेशभूषा में भारतीयता के दर्शन होते थे।

() जब राजेंद्र बाबू को अपनी गलती का एहसास हुआ तो उन्होंने तुलसी से माफ़ी मांगी। यह देखकर उसकी आँखों में आँसू गए।

2) सही उत्तर चुनकर(√) लगाइए।(pg-40)

() क्योंकि तिलक ने सारे प्रश्नों के उत्तर दे दिए।

() स्वतंत्रता सेनानी

() स्वार्थी


पतंग और गुब्बारा

1)मौखिक प्र०/उ०(pg-26)

() संदीप की          () डोर के सहारे

() दो क्षेत्र

2) लिखित प्र०/उ०

() क्यों कि उसे नीचे खड़े सारे बच्चे छोटे-छोटे दिखाई दे रहे थे।

() पतंग गुब्बारे पर इसलिए हँसी क्योंकि गुब्बारे की पूँछ यानी धागा लटक रहा था।

() माँझा बनाने के लिए काँच को महीन पीसकर गोंद की सहायता से धागे में लगाते हैं, जिसके कारण माँझे के धागे में इतनी धार जाती है कि वह दूसरे धागों को काट सकता है।

() गुब्बारे की यह बात सुनकर पतंग आग-बबूला हो गई कि तुम्हारे ऊँचा उड़ने में तुम्हारा कोई कमाल नहीं है, बल्कि तुम्हारी डोर का कमाल है, जिसके सहारे तुम उड़ रही हो।

() गुब्बारे ने ऐसा इसलिए कहा क्योंकि दोनों हवा के बिना अधूरे हैं। गुब्बारे के भीतर हवा होती है जबकि पतंग तभी उड़ती है जब हवा चलती है।

3) सही उत्तर चुनकर(√) लगाइए

() गैस से।    () डोर से।   () काँच को

4)गलत शब्द को ठीक करके लिखिए

() हम दोनों ही हवा पर निभर हैं।

() पानी से हल्की चीज़ पानी में तैरती है।

() हम दोनों ही डोर से बँधे हैं।

() दोनों खुश होकर आसमान में उड़ने लगे।

                      भाषा की बात

1) () पतंग     () माँझे।    () संदीप

     () गुब्बारे।  () गुब्बारे।   () गुब्बारे

2) () रवि।   () चंचला।  () मेघ। () दामिनी

3) () पतंग।  () हल्की।  () गैस  () दो

4) () फूली समाई।    () भीगी बिल्ली बन गया

     () डींगें मारने।       () बाल भी बाँका

5)पंख, कागज़, पत्ता, पानी का जहाज़, नाव, तेल

6) () उड़, पढ़।          () पड़ी, बड़ी

     () खड़ा, चढ़ा


                                    Chapter 1: India – Our Motherland

I.                    New words

II.                 Choose the correct answer

1.     Peninsula      2. Centre       3. All of these                      4. Goa              5. All of these

III.               Fill in the blanks

1.     Rajasthan     2.28               3. Width, Southwards       4. Hyderabad           5. Chandigarh

IV.              Short answer questions

1.     India stretches from Jammu and Kashmir in the north to Kanniyakumari in the south and from Gujarat in the west to Arunachal Pradesh in the east.

2.     The southern part of our country is surrounded by the Indian Ocean.

3.     The land frontier of India is about 15200 kilometres long.

4.     India shares its boundaries with the countries Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, China, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.

5.     The capital of Lakshadweep is Kavaratti.

6.     What is a Union Territory?

Union territory is a region that is ruled directly by the central government.

7.     Which are the different landforms found in India?

The landforms of India are divided into the following categories.

·        The Northern Mountains

·        The Northern Plains

·        The Western Desert

·        The southern Plateau

·        The Coastal Plains and the Islands

8.     What do you understand by seven sisters?

The seven states of the north east of our country are together known as seven sisters. They are Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland and Tripua.

9.     Name the biggest state and the smallest state in area wise.

In area wise Rajasthan is the biggest state and Goa is the smallest one. 

V.                 Answer the following questions.

1.     India is located in the southern part of Asia. India stretches from Jammu and Kashmir in the north to Kanniyakumari in the south and from Gujarat in the west to Arunachal Pradesh in the east. It extends from north to south about 3214 km and from west to east it is about 2933 km.

2.       After India got independence from British rule, our country is divided into 28 states and 8 union territories. Union territory is a region that is ruled directly by the central government and the state is ruled by the state government.

3.     Write the names of all 28 states and their capitals. ( ans : page 7)

4.     Write the names of all union territories and their capitals. ( ans: page 7)

5.     India has a variety of landforms. The landforms of India are divided into the following categories.

·        The Northern Mountains

·        The Northern Plains

·        The Western Desert

·        The southern Plateau

·        The Coastal Plains and the Islands



SCIENCE     Lesson 1: Food

New words page 11

Fill in the blanks

1.     Digestion      2. Fat 3. Proteins    4. Fibre             5. Iron

Match the following

1.     D         2. A     3. E     4. B     5. C

True or false

1.     True   2. True                       3. True           4. False                      5. True

Fill in the blanks (extra)

1. the part of food  that we cannot digest. ( fibre)

2.     The food component known as energy bank of the body. ( fat)

3.     The component of food the body make new skin, hair, blood etc.( proteins)

4.     The special used for the making of fur, hooves, horns, feathers, beaks and claws of animals.( keratin)

5.     Fruits like orange, lemon and amla contain the vitamin.......( vitamin C)

6. the earth are made up of many minerals.( rocks, soil)

7.     Teeth and bones of our body are mainly made up of the mineral......( calcium)

8.     .................. is the body’s way of cooling down.( sweating)

9.     People suffer from ............... when they do not eat enough fibre.( Constipation)

10.The needs of food for the body change with  .................... .( age)

Write short answers

1.     What are the five components of food?

The five components of food are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins.

2.     Which components of food are needed in large quantities and which components are needed in smaller quantities for our body?

The components carbohydrates, proteins and fats are needed in large quantities.    Vitamins and minerals are required in small quantities.

3.     What is blubber?

Blubber is a kind of fat that sea animals like seals, whales, penguins etc have under their skin. It keeps them warm and helps to float easily in sea water.

4.     What is fibre? Why is its importance?

Fibre is the part of food which we cannot digest. It helps in the movement of stool.

5.     What is meant by a healthy diet?

A healthy diet means a diet which contains the right amounts of all the components of food the body needs.

6.     Is it healthy to avoid eating fats altogether? Why or why not?

No, it is not healthy to avoid eating fats altogether. They are used by our body for different purposes. But too much fat can lead to diseases.

Write answer in detail

1.     Briefly describe the function of each component of food and give examples of food items  for each.

a.     Carbohydrates : Carbohydrates give us energy. Ex. Cereals, potato, fruits, sugar etc.

b.     Fats: Fats also give us energy. The fat stored under the skin protects us from cold. The fat around the internal organs acts as a cushion for them . ex.butter, ghee, oil, cream, cheese etc.

c.       Proteins help to grow the body and repair itself after illness.  They also help the body fight against germs and other harmful things. Ex. Pulses, cheese, meat, fish, egg etc.

d.     Vitamins : Vitamins help the body work well and protect it from diseases.  Different vitamins are good for different body parts. Ex. Fruits, milk, pulses, egg, fish etc.

e.     Minerals : Minerals keep the body healthy and working well. Ex.  Milk , egg, almond, seafood, spinach etc.

2.     Write the reasons why water is important for the body?

a.     Blood is mostly made up of water which carries food around the body.

b.     It helps in digestion of food.

c.      It helps us get rid of waste.

d.     It helps to cool down the body.


Lesson    3:  We are the same but with a difference


1.     Which type of elephant has two domes on the head?

    Asian elephant has two domes on the head.

2.     Who seems to flash a toothy grin when their snouts are shut?

The crocodile seems to flash a toothy grin when their snouts are shut.

3.     Which animal has a U-shaped snout?

The animal alligator has a U – shaped snout.

4.     Why did sea turtles are call by their name?

Sea turtles are called by their name because they live almost exclusively in water.

5.     Which animal has solid, round black spots on its body?

Cheetah has solid, round black spots on its body.

6.     Which animal is more timid than a toad, a frog or a llama?

A frog is more timid than a toad.

7.     Which animal has a close resemblance with alpaca?

 A young llama has a close resemblance with alpaca.


 1.  Choose the correct answers.

a. marine b. freshwater

2. Answer the following questions.

a. Write how the African and Asian elephants clasp their food because of the presence or the absence of fingers on their trunks?

The African elephants have trunk with two fingers at its end, which allow them to really grasp onto leaves and grass before bringing them to their mouth. The Asian elephants use their single finger to curl around food, which they then squeeze up into their mouths.

b. What is a snout? What is the difference between the snout of a crocodile and that of an alligator?

A snout is the part of an animal’s head that projects forward that contains the nose and jaws. The difference between the snout of a crocodile and that of an alligator is that the former has a wider U-shaped snout while the latter has a pointed, V-shaped snout.

c.  Why is the teeth of an alligator hidden when the snouts are shut?

The teeth of an alligator look hidden when the snouts are shut because their upper jaw is wider than the lower one.

d.  List any two differences between cheetahs and leopards.

The two differences between cheetahs and leopards are as follows:

(1) Cheetahs have solid, round black spots, while leopards have black patterns shaped like broken rings.

(2) Leopards have no ‘tear’ line. Cheetahs have a black ‘tear’ line running from the inside of the eye to the mouth.

e. Why do sea turtles travel towards the sand?

Sea turtles travel towards the sand to lay eggs.

f. Do you think animals are created to live in a particular habitat and adapt to a particular lifestyle? Use the example of a frog and a toad and say how their body parts help them to suit their lifestyle.

Yes, animals are created to live in a particular habitat and adapt to a particular lifestyle. Frogs have strong legs for jumping and webbed feet for swimming, whereas toads have shorter legs for walking and hopping. Toads do not have the sticky long tongues that frogs have. A frog will be mostly in water, so it has smooth, slimy skin. Toads have dry skin covered in warts suitable for life on land. 

 3.  Choose the correct word.

 a. diurnal b. nocturnal c. solitary animals d. social animals

Vocabulary and Pronunciation

1. Name two more animals of the same kind.

 a. frog, turtles b. octopus, whale c. eel, turtle d. crocodile, shark e. monkey, bat   f. cow, camel

 g. owl, bat

 2.Complete the sentences.

 a. arboreal, aquatic   b. nocturnal c. winged   d. venomous e. migrating   f. extinct  


ENGLISH, Lesson 4: Raju and the money tree


1.     What did Raju dream of all the time?

 Raju dreamt of becoming rich all the time.

2.     Who purchased some flowers from Raju?

A village merchant purchased some flowers from Raju.

3.     Where did Raju keep his money?

Raju kept his money in a box.

4.     Who checks on banks?

The government checks on banks.


State whether the following statements are true or false.

 a. false b. true c. true d. true e. false

2. Answer the following questions.

a. What was Raju’s mother worried about?

Raju’s mother was worried about the fact that Raju was going through a state of distress and depression.

b. Why did Raju leave his house?

Raju left his house to look for the money tree that he had seen in his dreams.

c.  What do you mean by angel? Do you think the wise man really is an angel?

Here angel means someone who came to help in extreme needs. Yes, I think the wise man is really an angel  for Raju because he helped Raju timely and guided him in a proper way.

d.  How did Raju’s lifestyle change after he earned some money?

After he earned some money, Raju repaired his old house and purchased new clothes for himself and for his mother.

e. Saving is a good and desirable habit. Give your opinion on this statement.

Yes, I agree with this opinion. If we save money and other required things for future purpose, it will be helpful for us when we are in distress and we need not to depend others.

 Vocabulary and Pronunciation

1. Fill in the blanks with the noun forms of the underlined words.

 a. growth b. decision c. thought d. work

 2. Find out the noun forms of the given verbs or adjectives.

 Adjective to Noun a. beauty b. danger c. nature

Verb to Noun a. action b. evaporation c. life



Lesson 1: Dog – Our best friend

In text questions’ answers.

1.     Where did Hashim and Bruno go during their morning walks?

Hashim and Bruno went to the tea shop during their morning walks.

EXERCISES Comprehension

 1. Complete the answers.

 a. (2)  b. (1)  c. (3) d. (2) e. (1)

 2. Answer the following questions.

 a. Who was Hashim?

Hashim was an old man who lived alone.

b. Did Hashim have many friends? Write a line from the story supporting your answer.

No, Hashim did not have many friends. The line ‘His only friend was his pet dog, Bruno,’ tells us this.

c. What did Hashim and Bruno do every morning?

Every morning, Hashim would take his dog for a walk. They would walk through the streets and stop at a tea shop. Here, Hashim would have a cup of tea and Bruno would get a biscuit. Hashim would then buy a newspaper and walk back home.

d. How did Bruno alert the neighbours when Hashim fell sick?

Bruno, sensing that its master was sick, went around the neighbourhood barking and waking the neighbours up.

e. How did Bruno get the newspaper for Hashim?

Bruno had noticed Hashim handing two -rupee coins at the tea shop for the newspaper during their walks. So it took few coins lying on the table and ran to buy newspaper for its master.

f. What did Hashim say when Bruno got him the newspaper in the hospital?

Hashim was overjoyed when Bruno got him the newspaper in the hospital. He hugged his dog and whispered, ‘What would I do without you, Bruno. You are my best friend’.

g. How do you think dogs help police?

Trained dogs help the police to track the robbers and criminals by using their sense of smell. They help the police to solve crimes.

h. Write a note on why dogs are considered to be our best friend.

Dogs are truly friendly, compassionate and loyal to their masters. They have special abilities to serve people in all walks of life. They like to accompany their masters everywhere. They enjoy the friendship with people. They safeguard our houses and family members. So dogs are considered to be our best friend.



Study Materials for Nursery  to VIII

Nursery     LKG       UKG       Class 1      Class 2       Class 3       Class 4      Class 5      Class 6      Class 7      Class 8    
Registration to the Nursery class for the Academic session 2020-21 opened.



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